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Another Street

Installation interactive for the Auto*Mat Festival




...Installation created in Prague for the "auto*mat" Festival, the day without cars... An "ANOTHER STREET" is a multisensory interactive installation investigating the relations between city people and there environment. Through the use of their various senses, the public was be able to "feel" and discover a new environment of what Smetanovo Nabrezi could be like if is was car free. The aim of this installation is to remind to the citizen what is nature, to remind them how relaxing and stress free can be a natural environment and how much city life disconnects you from your natural traits and changes your maner of being. The city walkers by were offered the posibility to touch, smell, see, hear and taste nature...5 trees will be wrapped up in various natural material and will act as a natural distributor for a "quick feel of nature"

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