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DesConstruction #2

Installation for Niños Con Sentidos eventBarcelona

This installation "DesConstruction #2" has emerged from the installation "des/con-struction" I made in Berlin.
"Des/con-struction" had an optimistic after taste, it was about the destruction of a world and our ability to raise from the ashes and build again....Mankind has always tried to build structures that will perpetuate and glorify itself in a desesperate exigency of eternity....  but the whole installation was then destroyed on the final day of the event by the performer, Natasha Mayran.

"DesConstruction #2" reflects on our ability to destroy: we are the only animal who is capable of consciently destroy its own habitat. Although we know we are on a sucide mission we do nothing, either unable to believe what we are doing - we tend to forget (willingly or not) that our lives are so ephemeral - or too fascinated by our power to exterminate our own race to be able to put a stop to it.
We are stong, we are so strong, we can exterminate everything including ourselves..... the individual's perpetual antagonistic aspiration - an idealised gratified being (some call it god, some buddha, some halal, some themselves.... they are all the same ideal) and the banal-shameful-everyday lack of action, direction, ethic, virtue, altruism, cooperation, community - is mirrored in our reality and repeated in our history..... who would like so much to be good but we are so bad.... beside what I call good is not what you call good....what she calls good is not what they call good....



art installation sandsun


art installation sandsun

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